Emterra Environmental will be starting the curbside yard waste pickup on Thursday, April 3, 2025. Grass clippings, leaves, and weeds can be placed in containers marked with an "X" or in Kraft paper bags. No plastic bags and no 55-gallon drums.
The Emterra Environmental calendar can be viewed at https://sebewaingmi.gov/trash-%26-recycling. Curbside yard waste runs from April through November.
The Village of Sebewaing DPW and Administration office will be closed Friday, April 18, 2025 in observance of Good Friday.
The Village of Sebewaing has playground equipment at various parks around town. The wooden structures are beginning to deteriorate. Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to finance the repair or replacement of the aging playgound equipment and addition of new playgound equipment. The donations will only be used for playgound equipment.
Donations can be made payable to:
Village of Sebewaing
222 N. Center Street
Sebewaing, MI 48759
The DPW is cleaning sewer lines. Keep your toilet lids closed to reduce odor. You can run water in all of your sinks and drains if desired; however, no water usage credit will be given.
It shall be the duty of every owner, possessor or occupier of land, and every person, firm or corporation having charge of any land within the village to cut or remove and to destroy all grass, Canada thistles, wild carrots, ox-eye daisies, ragweed or any other noxious weeds growing thereon at least once each year before May 1, and as often as necessary thereafter to prevent weeds from exceeding six inches on residential property. Grass and weed growth on nonresidential property shall not exceed eight inches. The aforesaid plants are hereby declared to be noxious weeds and to constitute a public nuisance.
Compost pit next to the DPW building IS FOR GRASS AND LEAVES ONLY. Brush may be placed parallel to the street on the shoulder for DPW pick up, or Village residents may haul their brush to the Village brush pile located on Liken Rd.
Please do not dump grass or leaves at the brush pile site. Grass and leaves may be dumped South of the brush pile next to the larger piles along Liken Road.
CURBED STREETS: Parking shall be prohibited on all curbed streets, drives, and courts in the village from 2:00am to 6:00am each day of the week.
The following items listed should NEVER be flushed down a toilet:
The Village of Sebewaing DDA was established in 2013 with baseline property tax value. Starting in 2022 the county portion of property taxes, above the 2013 starting point, was given to the DDA by Huron County. These funds will be used for the DDA Façade Grant Application to reimburse exterior improvements of businesses located in the DDA District (see Map). The DDA Board will be reviewing all applications, as there are limited funds available. By clicking the link below you will find the map and grant application.
The 2025 trash/recycling schedule calendar is available at the Village of Sebewaing Office or by clicking the link below you can view and print them.
The Village of Sebewaing (Village) residents pay for the Brush Pile located on Liken Road through their property taxes. This is a privilege for the residents and property owners of the Village. The Brush Pile is intended for branches and brush that will burn easily.
The Brush Pile has been abused by non-residents and contractors dumping large logs and tree roots that do not burn easily. The Village is paying employees to move these items which causes wear and tear and potential damage to Village equipment.
Effective September 25, 2023, as approved by the Village Council, the Brush Pile will be locked. Residents and property owners can request access, by appointment, to the Brush Pile by contacting:
Village of Sebewaing
222 N. Center Street
Sebewaing, MI 48759
Phone: 989-883-2150
Dumping of brush along Liken Road outside of the locked gates of the Brush Pile location is considered littering. The grassy area along Liken Road is only for grass clippings and leaves. A local farmer is using his equipment to spread the grass clippings into the field. Brush dumped in the grassy area will damage his equipment.
Grass clippings can be placed in the designated area beside the DPW buildings on South First Street. Burning of grass clippings and leaves is prohibited in the Village.
The DPW will pick up curbside brush as their workload allows. Limbs/stick needs to be placed parallel to the street in manageable sized piles. Limbs/stick should be no longer than 8' long and 6" in diameter.
Be sure to get the proper zoning/building permits for all improvements being done before improvements begin. Please stop at the Village Municipal Building at 222 N Center Street, call 989-883-2150 or our email office@sebewaingmi.gov. Speak with our Zoning Administrator-Matt Bumhoffer for the appropriate permit required for your upcoming improvements.
Sign up to hear from us about local events, news and information.
Feel free to visit during normal business hours.
222 North Center Street, Sebewaing, Michigan 48759, United States
Phone: (989) 883-2150 Fax: (989) 883-9367 Email: office@sebewaingmi.gov
Open today | 08:00 am – 04:30 pm |